
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I'm in the school play?

Well not exactly IN it... but I'm a part of it! I always wanted to be in the drama club, but was always to busy playing sports (such a man) to hold interest. My shining moment was in 3rd grade when I got to play Mary in the St. Peter's Christmas program. I got to hold a real baby Jesus (who I imagine is about 22 these days) and my husband, Joseph, was played by a strapping young lad named Brandon (who I imagine is still single-no offense, B).

Anywhoozles, I was recently asked to help out with stage makeup at a local grade/junior high school production of The Chronicles of Narnia. Super exciting, right?! I am pumped that they asked me and today is my first day scoping out the job. So far all I know is that I have to make 45 children look like various animals and fairies. I doubt I will be able to take pictures because parents don't want some girl creepily posting pictures of their babies on the internet machine on some blog. So sadly I cant share my work, BUT I will most likely get some silly stories out of it! Kids say the goofiest things. Plus, kids think I'm cool. At least someone does. ♥