
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Book Review: The Friday Night Knitting Club ♥

The Friday Night Knitting ClubThe Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I gave this book 4 stars -but only because it made me cry! This was a really great "chick" book, it has a lot of great messages in it. I love these types of books because they don't focus on one single character, this books tells one main story but with several stories about each character. You kinda get perspective on each woman's life and how the main story affects it. I really enjoyed this light read, it has a great lesson & is an all around feel good novel.

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Book Review: Night

Night  (The Night Trilogy, #1)Night by Elie Wiesel
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I LOVED this book! It really isn't something I'd typically pick up because of it's historical aspect but I feel like this was much more than just a historical piece; it was more story content with extreme riveting emotion. It made me shed a tear or two; how could humans be so cruel? This is a story of survival during Nazi Germany and not just another "Anne Frank" (Which I also liked) this is so much more than that. Definitely read this and you will have so much respect for this author & have such a deep emotional understanding of this war.

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