
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Very hot & very bothered. ☼

Where I live it seems as though spring has skipped by and summer has arrived, today it was near 80° and quite toasty  I know I am of a rare bunch that is not a fan of summer, heat, sweat, and all things that come with it. I generally prefer winter and take snowstorms with a grain of salt. Let me just fill you in on a few concrete -often irrational- reasons why I dislike summer. No, wait, we'll say I prefer winter to summer, because lets face it, everyone loves a sunny day. So here we go.

  1. Bugs. I. HATE. BUGS. I have an irrational fear of them, and not just like any girl despises insects... I completely break down into full panic. Mostly bees & wasps freak me out, but basically if its bigger than my fingernail --BOOM. DONE. Cant do it. #BUGMURDERER
  2. Heat. I love a good workout sweat, back sweat from walking to the mailbox? Not so much. I cannot handle sweating while just standing outside, thats so gross it gives me the heebeejeebees. #GRODY
  3. Attempting to wear makeup... really? Really? Good luck to all of us attempting to look pretty while sweating our rear ends off. I hate the feeling of sweat on my hairline and makeup that can be felt dripping and melting off my face. #canIgetablottingsheet
  4. Humidity makes me feel like I'm going to pass out, like I cannot breathe... um hello does anyone else see it? That is perfect climate for a full blown panic attack. Throat closing, dizziness, heat rushing to your head, sweats... yeah I'm practically having anxiety writing this. #MOVINGON
  5. Landscaping trucks. The second I turn on a 2 lane highway with a double yellow -BAM- landscape truck appears in front of me. I don't know what is worse, how they drive 30 under the speed limit or the stupid rocks and debris crap that flies off and hits my windshield. #moveb*tchgetouttheway
  6. I have a love/hate with air conditioning. I absolutely cannot and will not live without it, but its just weird, recycled air. Its conditioned air, that just sounds manufactured. Ew. #itshotinhurr
  7. Summer clothes < winter clothes. Fall fashion is way better. I'll be honest. I'm not a big girl, but I am not little either. Believe it or not I feel insecure in a tank top, let alone a bikini. Its awkward for me. #passthecheese
  8. 7 brings me to my next point, bikini bods. UGH I am not a good worker out-er. I am SO bad at committing myself to a workout plan by spring so naturally by summer my cellulite is in full effect and the only thing toned is my beer gut. #whatbikini?
  9. Fall colors. Fall candles. Fall Starbucks drinks. #noexplanationneeded
  10. Summer gas prices. #punchmeinthegutnow
I will admit, I do love myself a good day by the pool/beach in the sunshine but I'm sorry folks, I love me a good snuggly, winter, snowy day by the fire. ☼

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