
Thursday, June 20, 2013

◄ Selfies ►

What is with people hating on selfies lately?! I do not understand this! I am a shameless selfie queen and I am proud of it. Do people get mad at you for posting selfies? No one has actually ever said anything to me directly about it but I see nasty, mean posts about them at least three times a week; the sad part is its usually girls hating on other girls. What the actual hell, ladies? What is so wrong with someone snapping a photo of themselves when they are feeling pretty or having a good hair day? Or the sun is hitting them just right-even if they are sitting at a stop light with a duckface? I feel like these are the people that secretly have hundreds of selfies on their phone they are just too afraid to post them. Whatever, why be concerned with what other people are doing? It just makes me mad, I know people say "eh, why do you need reassurance from other people that you look pretty", you know what I say to that? BECAUSE IT FEELS DAMN GOOD. It's just nice to have someone else besides the reflection in the mirror tell you that you're beautiful. So go on with your bad selves, post as many selfies as you want no matter how good, bad, pretty, or ugly you think you are! ☺

"You laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at you because you're all the same." -Lady Gaga

"All little girls should be told they're pretty; even if they aren't" -Marilyn Monroe

 "Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone" - Dorothy Parker

"A girl should be two things: classy & fabulous" - Coco Chanel

"Walk like you have three men walking behind you" -Oscar de la Renta

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